
Cannabis Oil – a miracle cure for agonizing eczema?


Cheryl Halliburton, a 27-year-old mum suffering from severe eczema, discovered cannabis oil, a miracle cure for her problems.

At a certain point in her life, her skin woes got so out of hand that she had to seek medical treatment for it. At her wit’s end, she tried other ways of treating her condition, which includes inhaling cannabis oil through a vape pen. As luck would have it, it worked!


Ever since getting pregnant at 23 years old, her condition would go out of hand every so often. Every couple of days, her skin would flare up, and what she ate that day determined the severity of the situation. On certain days, it was so bad that she was unable to leave the house because of it.


After her dad suggested her to try CBD oil, her skin cleared up in two weeks, and there have been no flare-ups ever since. At first, she tried ingesting it in liquid form, but since the taste was not exactly to her liking, she moved on to inhaling it through a vape pen.


Reportedly, she is now also able to eat certain things she wasn’t able to eat before due to it having agitated her skin condition. Now, she can eat bread and drink wine without problems.

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the main ingredients present in medical marijuana. Cannabis oil is also used to treat other medical conditions, including sleep problems, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, low appetite, and mental health problems.



September 14, 2018 |

How Certain Laws Restrict Cannabis Research


Even though marijuana is being continually legalized around the world for medicinal purposes, the United States still consider it to be a Schedule 1 substance, and thus, it’s considered to be illegal at the federal level. This makes it challenging to get clinical studies approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This sort of creates a vicious cycle: due to a lack of enough federally funded research, the marijuana proponents are finding it hard to get the Schedule 1 classifications overturned. Generally speaking, the substances that fall under the Schedule 1 category have a high potential for abuse and offer no medical benefit, or so the government believes.

Many people share the opinion that the classification does not apply to marijuana, arguing that it has no addictive traits, at least not in the physical sense. They are also trying to make an argument that it’s a viable alternative to opiates.

Lately, there has been much interest in medical uses for marijuana. In the general sense, it comes in handy for managing all sorts of pain. It’s also useful for managing sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, nausea, and to treat the adverse effects of chemotherapy and HIV/AIDS treatment.

The researchers are trying to find out what other medical benefits are associated with medicinal use of marijuana. Recently, Pennsylvania’s health department launched a landmark registry for those who use merijuana for medical purposes. Alongside the introduction, a new website was launched, and it was designed as a one-stop-shop for caregivers, diespensaries, physicians, and labs. it’s estimated that by 2018, it should be possible for the applicants to pick up their prescriptions from anywhere in the state.

THC is the ingredient in marijuana that gets the most attention, even though, in reality, it has hundreds of components, and not all of them are psychoactive. CBD (or cannabidiol for short) can be found in many strains. This component can be used as an anti-psychotic, anti-convulsant, neuro-protectant, anti-inflammatory agent, a sedative, etc., without getting the user high.

CBD, in particular, is what makes marijuana a viable treatment for epilepsy, and in some cases, even children can benefit from it. It’s been known to help treat heart conditions and regulate insulate levels in diabetic patients. Since it’s not addictive, it’s shown great potential to treat heroin addiction and opioid crisis. One of its less-known benefits is that it helps cigarette smokers quit their habit.

Cannabis, THC vs CBD

Even the National Multiple Sclerosis Society supports the idea of there being more research on its medical benefits, and is in favor of marijuana being legalized at the state level. The organization even founded some marijuana studies of its own.

Currently, there are mixed opinions on the medical benefits of marijuana use for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but it’s known to be able to help those who are suffering from paranoia and anxiety. War veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress have also been using it to alleviate their condition, and earlier this year, the first FDA-approved trial of smoked marijuana for veterans affected by PTSD was launched.


December 29, 2017 |

Cannabinoid Drug Affectively Treating Sleep Apnea


Sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that is estimated to affect 1 in 5 adults in America, currently doesn’t really have an effective cure. However, a new hope has emerged in the form of a clinical trial showing that cannabis is effective at treating the symptoms of this disorder.

The new drug seen in the clinical trials is called dronabinol, and it’s based on THC, one of the components found in marijuana (the one that gets us “high”). The randomized clinical trial has been going on for a long time, and dronabinol is already being used for treating the symptoms of chemotherapy-affected nausea sufferers.

cannabinoid, medical marijuana

Typically, obstructive sleep apnea (the most common form of this condition) is treated by using a CPAP mechanical device. However, treatment adherence to this option is usually quite poor.

This condition, if left untreated, could potentially lead to even more problematic health conditions such as strokes and heart disease. The problem with the CPAP treatment option is that the treatment tends to be focused on the symptoms rather than their cause.

The clinical trials of using dronabinol to treat sleep apnea were regarded as a success. To provide a very brief summary, those participants who took the highest dosage of it reported to be the most satisfied with the treatment. In technical terms, they were showing less signs of subjective sleepiness, apnea, and hypopnea episodes.

Particularly, the new drug managed to reduce the apnea symptoms by 33%. Could this be the first viable sleep apnea drug?


December 21, 2017 |

Cannabis: The Difference between THC and CBD


When it comes to Cannabis, there are two ways in which you can fight pain. One is known as Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC and Cannabidiol or CBD. Both possess properties that can help fight pain, but for the maximum relief, it should be consumed together. Both work in a synergistic manner with each other to enhance the overall effect the herbs have on pain. The main psychoactive effect that THC has on pain is the primary component of the plant, but many patients who are prescribed cannabis have found that there is adequate pain relief to be had with regular consumption of THC from the cannabis. Many have experimented with the herb to see what particular combination serves their pain relief requirements.

cannabis thc vs cbd

CBD is not as psychoactive as THC, but still has effect on one’s brain. CBD will not impart a “high,” but provides calming properties. It also works to reduce whatever mental effects the THC imparts, as well as provides relief from inflammation and pain. THC is known to excite the CB1 receptors, whether or not CBD is consumed. The resulting factor is an extreme high, as well as undesirable effects; one such effect is a higher incidence of paranoia. When consumed in prescribed doses, the effect of the CBD is a subduing one on the THC. The high feeling will still exist, but not as bad as it was initially. In addition to that, whatever feeling of paranoia exists is also held in check. CBD and THC have been labeled as good and bad cannabis because of the varying effects that they have on individuals.

October 20, 2017 |
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